31 research outputs found

    Virtual reality in the service of user participation in architecture

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    The issue of user participation in the processes of building and urban design is enjoying renewed attention following its relative neglect over the last 20 years due, in large measure, to significant advances in emerging information technologies, particularly multimedia, virtual reality and internet technologies. This paper re-established the theoretical framework for participatory design evolved in the late sixties and early seventies as part of the movement towards a more explicit design methodology and attempts an explanation of why the concept failed to gain commitment from the architectural and urban design professionals. The paper then gives an account of two significant developments in the evolution of the application of information technologies with which the authors have been engaged. These are: i. a responsive and interactive interface to wholly immersive and realistic virtual reality representations of proposed buildings and urban neighbourhoods. ii. an intuitive and platform-independent VR modelling environment allowing collaborative evolution of the scheme from within the virtual world. The impact of these IT developments is demonstrated in the context of the design of a leisure facility for a community of users with physical impairment

    Chromatic numbers for facet colouring of some generalized associahedra

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    The chromatic number of a proper colouring of the facets of certain classes of generalized associahedra is studied. The exact values are obtained for the permutohedron and the associahedron, while lower and upper bounds are established for the nn-dimensional cyclohedron, astrohedron and simple permutoassociahedron

    ICT in the Service of Good Architectural Design

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    This Keynote presentation gives an account of the early ideas on design theory and methodology in the late 1960s and traces how, over four decades, the emerging information technologies impacted on architectural practice and education. It illustrates and exemplifies the current state of the art and evaluates what has been achieved and what remains as challenges

    Multifokalne intraokularne leće za korekciju prezbiopije nakon operacije katarakte

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    Monofocal intraocular lenses are effective in improving vision after cataract surgery but the loss of accommodation is not restored by implantation of these intraocular lenses. Because multifocal intraocular lenses may improve uncorrected distance and near vision, we compared clinical outcome and patient satisfaction after implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses. The study included eight patients who underwent cataract surgery using phacoemulsification and implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses (ReStor,Tecnis). Intraocular power calculation was measured by standard immersion A-scan ultrasonography using Holladay 2 formula, with target hyperopia +0.50 Dpt. Assessments were made preoperatively, and at 1 and 3 months postoperatively, whereas outcome was evaluated by interview. Satisfaction related to preoperative expectations was similar in all study patients. Visual acuity was 0.9 1.0 in 92% of the patients. All patients were satisfied with near vision without glasses. The perceived quality of corrected near vision showed highest correlation with patient satisfaction. Study results suggested that the patients were satisfied with their intraocular lens performance, and most would have the multifocal intraocular lens implanted again. The frequency of spectacle wear was greatly reduced for both distance and near vision.Monofokalne intraokularne leće su učinkovite u poboljÅ”anju vidne oÅ”trine nakon operacije katarakte, ali se gubitak akomodacije ne može vratiti ugrađivanjem ovih leća. Budući da multifokalne intraokularne leće poboljÅ”avaju vidnu oÅ”trinu na daljinu i blizinu, usporedili smo kliničke rezultate i zadovoljstvo bolesnika nakon ugradnje multifokalnih intraokularnih leća. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno osmoro bolesnika operiranih metodom fakoemulzifikacije, kod kojih je ugrađena multifokalna intraokularna leća (ReStor, Tecnis). Aksijalna duljina je mjerena imerzijskom tehnikom A-scan uz primjenu formule Holladay 2, a željena poslijeoperacijska refrakcija je bila do +0,50 Dpt. Bolesnici su pregledani prijeoperacijski, te 1. i 3. mjeseca poslijeoperacijski, uključujući intervjue. Zadovoljstvo u odnosu na prijeoperacijska očekivanja bilo je slično kod svih bolesnika. Vidna oÅ”trina bez korekcije bila je 0.9-1.0 kod 92% bolesnika i nisu bile potrebne dodatne korekcije na blizinu. Zabilježena kvaliteta vida na blizu kod bolesnika s multifokalnom intraokularnom lećom bila je usko povezana sa zadovoljstvom nakon operacije katarakte. Ova studija je pokazala izrazito zadovoljstvo bolesnika s multifokalnom intraokularnom lećom, te bi oni opet izabrali istu kod ponovne operacije katarakte. Potreba za noÅ”enjem korekcije za daljinu i blizinu je smanjena

    Multifokalne intraokularne leće za korekciju prezbiopije nakon operacije katarakte

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    Monofocal intraocular lenses are effective in improving vision after cataract surgery but the loss of accommodation is not restored by implantation of these intraocular lenses. Because multifocal intraocular lenses may improve uncorrected distance and near vision, we compared clinical outcome and patient satisfaction after implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses. The study included eight patients who underwent cataract surgery using phacoemulsification and implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses (ReStor,Tecnis). Intraocular power calculation was measured by standard immersion A-scan ultrasonography using Holladay 2 formula, with target hyperopia +0.50 Dpt. Assessments were made preoperatively, and at 1 and 3 months postoperatively, whereas outcome was evaluated by interview. Satisfaction related to preoperative expectations was similar in all study patients. Visual acuity was 0.9 1.0 in 92% of the patients. All patients were satisfied with near vision without glasses. The perceived quality of corrected near vision showed highest correlation with patient satisfaction. Study results suggested that the patients were satisfied with their intraocular lens performance, and most would have the multifocal intraocular lens implanted again. The frequency of spectacle wear was greatly reduced for both distance and near vision.Monofokalne intraokularne leće su učinkovite u poboljÅ”anju vidne oÅ”trine nakon operacije katarakte, ali se gubitak akomodacije ne može vratiti ugrađivanjem ovih leća. Budući da multifokalne intraokularne leće poboljÅ”avaju vidnu oÅ”trinu na daljinu i blizinu, usporedili smo kliničke rezultate i zadovoljstvo bolesnika nakon ugradnje multifokalnih intraokularnih leća. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno osmoro bolesnika operiranih metodom fakoemulzifikacije, kod kojih je ugrađena multifokalna intraokularna leća (ReStor, Tecnis). Aksijalna duljina je mjerena imerzijskom tehnikom A-scan uz primjenu formule Holladay 2, a željena poslijeoperacijska refrakcija je bila do +0,50 Dpt. Bolesnici su pregledani prijeoperacijski, te 1. i 3. mjeseca poslijeoperacijski, uključujući intervjue. Zadovoljstvo u odnosu na prijeoperacijska očekivanja bilo je slično kod svih bolesnika. Vidna oÅ”trina bez korekcije bila je 0.9-1.0 kod 92% bolesnika i nisu bile potrebne dodatne korekcije na blizinu. Zabilježena kvaliteta vida na blizu kod bolesnika s multifokalnom intraokularnom lećom bila je usko povezana sa zadovoljstvom nakon operacije katarakte. Ova studija je pokazala izrazito zadovoljstvo bolesnika s multifokalnom intraokularnom lećom, te bi oni opet izabrali istu kod ponovne operacije katarakte. Potreba za noÅ”enjem korekcije za daljinu i blizinu je smanjena

    Short-term dexamethasone plus acetylsalicylic acid treatment during in vitro fertilization procedure

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    Objectives: Embryo implantation represents the major limiting step during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. Immu- nological and coagulation abnormalities were shown to have a substantial part in multifactorial etiology of IVF failure. We aimed to investigate the effect of short-term low-dose dexamethasone plus acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) treatment, starting at the time of embryo transfer, on the implantation and clinical pregnancy rates in general IVF population.Ā  Material and methods: Out of 233 consecutive patients undergoing fresh IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles 64 received an adjuvant treatment consisting of dexamethasone (0.5 mg/day) plus ASA (100 mg/day) (DA group), starting on the day of embryo transfer. Patients not receiving these medications comprised a control group.Ā  Results: Significantly more patients in DA group had positive Ɵ-hCG values than controls (59.38% vs. 37.67%, p = 0.004) (OR = 2.42, 95% CI: 1.33ā€“4.41). Implantation rate was 26.53% in DA group and 15.92% in controls (p = 0.0294). Clinical preg- nancy rate per started cycle was higher in DA group (43.59%) than controls (28.92%), but the difference was not significant (p = 0.0879; OR = 1.99, 95% CI: 0.89ā€“4.41).Ā  Conclusions: Our study shows a potential benefit of dexamethasone plus ASA adjuvant treatment in females undergoing IVF/ICSI procedure. As these results show improvement of IVF outcome, a greater number of patients undergoing this type and regime of adjuvant treatment should be investigated.

    Utjecaj topički primijenjenog 10% fenilefrina na krvni tlak i puls tijekom fakoemulzifikacije u lokalnoj anesteziji

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    Due to its alpha-adrenergic action, a topical mydriatic phenylephrine may alter blood pressure during cataract surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of topically administered 10% phenylephrine on perioperative blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (hr) during phacoemulsification. This prospective, randomized, double-blind study included 49 patients who underwent phacoemulsification under local anesthesia. Patients were divided into two groups. The experimental group patients were administered 1% tropicamide and 10% phenylephrine. In the control group, 0.9% saline solution was administered instead of 10% phenylephrine. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured at preoperative assessment, at admission prior to instillation of mydriatics, prior to giving peribulbar anesthesia, during surgery, and one hour postoperatively. All patients were partially sedated with midasolam per os. Statistical analysis of collected data was performed. There was a small but statistically nonsignificant increase in the mean blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (hr) in experimental group as compared to control group: p(BP)=0.841, p(hr)=0.636 at preoperative assessment; p(BP)=0.968, p(hr)=0.561 prior to instillation of mydriatics; p(BP)=0.279, p(hr)=0.554 prior to giving peribulbar anesthesia; p(BP)=0.094, p(hr)=0.645 during surgery; and p(BP)=0.823, p(hr)=0.732 one hour postoperatively. There were no systemic side effects or intraoperative and postoperative complications. In conclusion, there was no statistically significant difference (although there was an increase in the mean blood pressure in experimental group with 10% phenylephrine) between the experimental and control group in the measurement of either blood pressure or heart rate. According to our results, 10% phenylephrine is safe for topical application in ophthalmology in adults. For definitive conclusion about the effect of 10% phenylephrine on perioperative blood pressure and heart rate, a larger study with standardized preoperative and intraoperative procedure should be performed.Za vrijeme ultrazvučne operacije sive mrene moguć je utjecaj midrijatika, fenilefrina, na krvni tlak i puls zbog njegovog alfa-adrenergičnog djelovanja. Cilj rada bio je ispitati učinak lokalno primijenjenog 10%-tnog fenilefrina na perioperacijski krvni tlak i puls tijekom fakoemulzifikacije. Ovim prospektivnim, randomiziranim, dvostruko slijepim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 49 bolesnika koji su podvrgnuti operaciji sive mrene u lokalnoj anesteziji. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. U eksperimentalnoj skupini bolesnicima se je ukapavao 1%-tni tropikamid i 10%-tni fenilefrin. U kontrolnoj skupini se je umjesto 10%-tnog fenilefrina ukapavala 0,9%-tna fizioloÅ”ka otopina. Krvni tlak i puls mjereni su prilikom prijeoperacijskog pregleda na odjelu, kod pripreme za operaciju prije ukapavanja midrijatika, prije peribulbarne anestezije, za vrijeme operacije i jedan sat nakon operacije. Svi bolesnici bili su djelomice sedirani midazolamom (per os). Prikupljeni podaci statistički su obrađeni. Usporedba eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine pokazala je mali, statistički neznačajan porast prosječnog krvnog tlaka i pulsa u eksperimentalnoj skupini: p(BP)=0,841, p(hr)=0,636 kod prijeoperacijskog pregleda; p(BP)=0,968, p(hr)=0,561 kod pripreme za operaciju prije ukapavanja midrijatika; p(BP)=0,279, p(hr)=0,554 prije peribulbarne anestezije; p(BP)=0,094, p(hr)=0,645 za vrijeme operacije; p(BP)=0,823, p(hr)=0,732 jedan sat nakon operacije. Nisu nađene sistemske nuspojave, kao niti intraoperacijske ili poslijeoperacijske komplikacije. Na temelju iznesenih rezultata zaključeno je kako nije bilo statistički značajne razlike (iako je zabilježen porast prosječnog krvnog tlaka u eksperimentalnoj skupini uz 10%-tni fenilefrin) između eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine u vrijednostima prosječnog krvnoga tlaka i pulsa. Prema naÅ”im rezultatima sigurna je lokalna uporaba 10%-tnog fenilefrina kod odraslih u oftalmologiji. U zaključku ističemo potrebu provedbe istraživanja na velikom broju bolesnika, s unaprijed standardiziranim perioperacijskim postupkom i motrenjem parametara radi postizanja Å”to točnijih rezultata

    Melanom Ŕarenice: prikaz slučaja

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    Although its location makes the iris easily accessible for examination, differentiation of melanocytic malformations such as nevi or melanomas is difficult. Inaccurate judgment may lead to morbid ocular and systemic complications. If tumor is detected in early phase, prognosis is good. Management decisions for iris melanoma depend on clinical features. In most cases, local resection with careful assessment for iridocorneal angle involvement achieves long term tumor clearance with an acceptable morbidity. We report on a 52-year-old man who presented to an eye clinic with a pigmented lesion on his right eye iris. After thorough local and systemic examination and three-year follow up, we performed iridectomy with sclerotomy and iris reconstruction to reduce postoperative photophobia. The patient was satisfied with functional and cosmetic result. No further treatment was indicated.Premda je Å”arenica svojim smjeÅ”tajem lako dostupna pregledu, razlikovanje melanocitnih lezija kao Å”to su nevus i melanom može biti teÅ”ko. Neprepoznat melanom može dovesti do ozbiljnih okularnih i sustavnih komplikacija. Kod pravodobno postavljene dijagnoze prognoza je dobra. Odluka o daljnjim postupcima ovisi o kliničkoj slici. U većini slučajeva lokalna resekcija te pažljiv pristup iridokornealnom kutu, ako je zahvaćen, ne dovodi do recidiva bolesti te pruža zadovoljavajuće nizak pobol. Prikazujemo slučaj 52-godiÅ”njeg muÅ”karca koji je doÅ”ao na pregled jer je primijetio pigmentiranu leziju na Å”arenici desnog oka. Nakon temeljitog lokalnog i sustavnog pregleda, poslije tri godine praćenja učinjena je iridektomija sa sklerotomijom te rekonstrukcija Å”arenice kako bi se spriječila poslijeoperacijska fotofobija. Bolesnik je bio zadovoljan i funkcionalnim i kozmetskim rezultatom. Nije bilo indikacija za bilo kakav daljnji postupak liječenja

    Evaluation of sweet cherry varieties introduced in the area of Zagreb County

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    Posljednjih godina postoje mnoge nove sorte uvezene iz raznih oplemenjivačkih centara u svijetu. Suvremena proizvodnja zahtijeva uzgoj sorata veće krupnoće i bolje obojenosti te pogodnosti za transport i skladiÅ”tenje. Osim toga, od sorte se traži rani ulazak u rodnu dob i postizanje pune produktivnosti. Prema pogodnostima ekoloÅ”kih uvjeta uzgoja treÅ”nja je bez razloga zapostavljena voćna vrsta u Zagrebačkoj županiji ali i ostatku Republike Hrvatske. Najveći broj stabala nalazi se u ekstenzivnom uzgoju, a tek zadnjih nekoliko godina podižu se manji intenzivni voćnjaci. U Europi i svijetu zadnjih 20-ak godina uzgoj treÅ”nje doživljava veliku ekspanziju pa je stoga odabir pogodnih sorti od velike važnosti za uspjeÅ”nu proizvodnju. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2009. i 2010. godine u kolekcijskom nasadu Zavoda za voćarstvo Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. U istraživanju su obuhvaćene sorte Skeena, Sam, Sylvana, Van, Techlovan i Lapins. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrijeme cvatnje, vrijeme dozrijevanja i pomoloÅ”ke karakteristike plodova. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su signifikantne razlike istraživanih parametara.In recent years, many new cultivars have been released from different breeding programmes all over the world. Modern cherry growing requires the varieties of big size, better coloration and suitability for transport and storage. In addition, the varieties should be precocity. Taking into account all the benefits of the climate, the sweet cherry is a neglected fruit in Zagreb County, and in other regions. The plantation production of sweet cherry in Croatia is not very common and is mainly represented in an extensive manner. It has been only recently that cultivation of the sweet cherry-tree has experienced a significant expansion in the more developed European countries. Due to this reason, the right choice of the cultivar plays an important role. The research was conducted during the period of 2009 and 2010 in the collective plantation of The Department of pomology at Agricultural University of Zagreb. This research included sweet cherry cultivars \u27Skeena\u27, \u27Sam\u27, \u27Sylvana\u27, \u27Van\u27, \u27Techlovan\u27 and \u27Lapins\u27. The goal of the research was to determine flowering time, maturation period and pomological characteristics of these sweet cherry cultivars. Obtained results showed significant differences in researched parameters

    Ugradnja intraokularne leće za korekciju astigmatizma tijekom operacije katarakte

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical outcomes after toric intraocular lens implantation for astigmatism correction in patients undergoing cataract surgery. This prospective observational study included eyes undergoing cataract surgery at Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center between February and September 2011. The study enrolled eyes that had visually significant cataract and preexisting regular corneal astigmatism of 1.50 D or greater. Phacoemulsification was performed and all eyes received an AT TORBITM 709 M toric foldable intraocular lens. At 3 months, the uncorrected distance visual acuity was 0.8 or better in 9 of 10 eyes. At 3 months postoperatively, the median reduction in refractive cylinder was statistically significant (P<0.05). The median intraocular lens axis rotation was 3.0 degrees interquartile range (2.0-4.0 degrees). Our results showed AT TORBITM 709 IOL to be an effective surgical option to correct preexisting corneal astigmatism and spectacle dependence after cataract surgery.Cilj rada bila je analiza poslijeoperacijskih rezultata nakon operacije katarakte kod bolesnika s prijeoperacijskim astigmatizmom i implantiranom toričnom intraokularnom lećom. Ova studija provedena je u KBC Sestre milosrdnice, a bolesnici su operirani u razdoblju od veljače do studenoga 2011. godine. Svi bolesnici uključeni u studiju imali su vizualno značajnu kataraktu i prijeoperacijski rožnični astigmatizam veći od 1,5 D. Nakon operacije katarakte učinjene metodom fakoemulzifikacije kod svih bolesnika ugrađena je savitljiva intraokularna leća AT TORBI. Tri mjeseca nakon operacijskog zahvata nekorigirana poslijeoperacijska vidna oÅ”trina bila je 0,8 ili bolja kod 9 očiju. Smanjenje cilindrične vrijednosti (medijan) 3 mjeseca nakon operacijskog zahvata bilo je statistički značajno (P<0,05). Poslijeoperacijska rotacija intraokularne leće (medijan) iznosila je 3 stupnja, interkvartilni raspon (2 do 4 stupnja). Rezultati naÅ”e studije pokazuju da je implantacija torične intraokularne leće AT TORBI nakon operacije katarakte učinkovita kirurÅ”ka metoda za korekciju prijeoperacijskog rožničnog astigmatizma